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Browsing and Uploading Images   
Stock, Royalty Free and Rights Managed images

There are several places on the internet to get Stock Photography, Royalty Free and Public Domain Image Sources.  In no particular order, and with no specific endorsements from us, here are a few to check out:


Pixel Perfect

Free Foto


Let's use SXC for our sample:

1)  Go to your desired site, SXC in this case.

2)  Create an account (free and quick) and sign in.

3)  Have fun browsing through the images and find one that you like.

4)  Review the restrictions and follow any directions for use.

5)  Download the image to your desktop or picture file.

6)  Open the image file in a program that will allow you to adjust the size and resolution.  (MS Paint, Mac iPhoto, Adobe Photohop, etc.)

7)  Save the image at 72dpi and a maximum size of 800 pixels wide.

8)  Your image can now be uploaded to WebSchoolPro.  Follow the instructions for Browsing & Uploading.